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radio tube 無線電真空管。


Meixing electronics factory is major in the vacuum tube stereo power amplifier , which is located in the nanhai city , owned a workhouse over 1300 square meter , with five plant , they are box , seal and transformer circling 、 debugging & check , we also have the machine process , such as milling machine 、 punch 、 drill press 、 electric welding 、 matrix 、 incision machine , and radio tube test machine . we have realize the product line manufacture , the monthly whole output is over 200 sets 美星電子是一個專業制造真空管身歷聲功率放大器的加工廠,位于廣東南海市黃岐工業區,擁有廠房一千三百平方米,工廠分機箱加工、焊接組裝、變壓器繞制、煲機老化、調試檢測五個車間,機械加工設備擁有銑床、沖床、創床、鉆床、電焊、模具制作、切割等二十多臺,電子管及整機檢測調試儀器十馀臺,該廠實現了配套設備、流水作業,每月可生產膽機二百臺以上,可謂中國專業生產膽機最大規模的工廠。

At present , china government import about 15 - 20 th558 radio tubes every year , each tube is 700 , 000rmb 目前,我國每年需進口th558發射管15 ~ 20只,每只進口的價格約為人民幣70萬元。